Month: October 2021

Opportunity: Expo 2020 Dubai is committed to fostering an inclusive future.

Opportunity is a word that signifies hope and promise. This word implies endless possibilities and the possibility of something greater and better. In the wake of one of the most challenging periods in human history, it is a word the world clings to – both on a macro and micro level. The United States’ first …

Opportunity: Expo 2020 Dubai is committed to fostering an inclusive future. Read More »

Newly merged Arbitration Centre to offer businesses international arbitration services

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has recently combined the DIFC Arbitration Institute (DAI) with the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre. (EMAC). Thus creating an amalgamated entity called the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), an independent, permanent, non-profit institution that will provide the region and international business communities with arbitration services. At present, current arbitration services will …

Newly merged Arbitration Centre to offer businesses international arbitration services Read More »

Expo 2020: Dubai is committed to promoting a sustainable future.

As Albert Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve problems using the same thinking we used when we created them.” That is perhaps the ingenious approach necessary to help build a cleaner future. In an effort to raise awareness of the global sustainability cause and to provide an engaging platform for showcasing solutions, encouraging interest, and …

Expo 2020: Dubai is committed to promoting a sustainable future. Read More »